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山西医科大学国际学生考勤与考试纪律管理规定 ​International Students Attendance and Examination Discipline Regulation

发表时间:2020-09-04   来源: 点击数:



第一条 国际学生应按时参加教学计划规定的一切教学活动,严格遵守课堂纪律,不得迟到、早退、无故缺席,迟到一次扣0.5分,旷课一次扣1分,迟到30分钟以上者视为旷课,每节课签到签退,无故不签到签退者以旷课论处。学生每年综合测评中出勤占比12.5%。扣分累计达到12.5分,予以开除处理。任何学生一门课程请假(包括病假)超过8次,不允许参加该门课程的考试。

第二条 国际学生因病、因事不能参加教学活动时,应事先办理请假手续,并获得批准,否则按旷课论处。

第三条 国际学生请假期满应及时办理销假手续。请假期满仍不能返校学习者,按旷课论处。

第四条 国际学生考试由任课教师和辅导员共同负责监考,辅导员为辅助监考。监考人员在考试前应向国际学生强调考场纪律,并严格监考,对于违犯考场纪律的国际学生,应按照相关规定严肃处理。

第五条 本规定由学校国际教育学院负责解释。

International Students Attendance and Examination Discipline Regulation

This provision is made in order to standardize the education and teaching of International students.

Article 1: Student should participate in all teaching activities on time and strictly obey the rules of the classroom. Do not be late, leave early for any reason or absent for no reason. Deduction of 0.5 for a late, 1 for absence and late for 30 minutes is regarded as absence. Student should sign on every class; no sign is regarded as absence. Students attendance takes up 12.5% of the total annual comprehensive test results. Students whose cumulative deduction accounts to 12.5 points will be expelled. If the student asks for leave,including sick leave,more than 8 times in each course,he is not allowed to take that exam.

Article 2: When a student is unable to attend teaching activities due to illness, he or she should apply for approval in advance.

Article 3: The expiry of the leave of absence for international students should be handled in time. A student who cannot return on time is regarded as absence.

Article 4: The examination is invigilated by the teacher and counselor. Examiners should emphasize the discipline of exams before the exam. Students who violate the discipline of the examination will be severely punished according to the relevant provisions.

Article 5: The regulations are to be explained by the International Education School.

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